Thursday, November 25, 2010


I have been travelling much in my long and mysterious life, as a result of this exciting life, people often come up to me and ask how it feels to be so vise and at the same time good looking? 

I may have travelled much but I really haven't been much in Eastern Europe, which is a shame because I have this picture in my head that it is really beautiful. My boyfriend happens to have some friends living in Budapest and after some conversations with them we ended up deciding that we will visit them sometime after New Year. It feels really good to finally travel again, I hate the mechanical rhythm of the everyday life and haven't been able to travel anywhere since summer except to Sweden! These people living in Budapest also seem like the nicest, warm and social people I have ever talked to so I think it can't be anything else but fun!

This is what I am keeping myself on to, the travelling.....because higher powers help us all the snow has now reached Holland also.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Random Random Random

What a long day today, it lasted forever! I got up at 6 am and went to bed last night around 1, way to little sleep. Anyways, had a presentation today that for some reason caused me much stress, it was like everything I ever been stressed over these past month culminated in to that presentation today. When it was over I could just feel everything washing of me and I feel so much lighter now!

Since I am going to Sweden in less than three weeks I would like to have a big party before New Year! New Year’s Eve is usually very overrated since everyone feels some kind of pressure because you are supposed to have fun and have a great evening! So just want to take that pressure away and have a nice party before. The only thing is that it is quite difficult to find dates that fits everyone and I hate that. I want everyone to come on the same evening
Not a very useful post but some days there is not much to say so I call it a night!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Facebook is not evil - we are just stupid

- Facebook can just take your pictures and use them for advertisement for dildos or porn sites
- Perverts will use your kids pictures
- Your future boss will Google your ass and find all your drunken party pictures over the years

Since all of this is true it must mean that Facebook is evil and should be banned to exist! We have no responsibility over what we put up on the Internet and how that might affect us and our environment!

This reasoning is just so retarded I get annoyed every time I hear it! Why put up lingerie pictures that can be misused? You want the attention but can’t imagine the consequences? And then we have all the parents, selling their kids online basically, thousands of pictures, some completely naked of the child all over the place. Wonder if they think what their children will think when they grow up and see that they have been on Facebook longer than they can remember? And why on earth do you put up pictures that you think might cause you problems in the future? Everyone blames Facebook that is big enough to not follow the rules and at the same time everybody makes it possible for Facebook to break the rules since people just keep uploading information all the time. Just because something sucks and breaks the rules it does not mean you should aid it by supporting its agenda. All bad things on the Internet would disappear if we just could boycott it and find better things to do with our time.

People are in general funny when complaining about these huge often American cooperation’s. Almost everyone agrees that companies like McDonald’s are bad for the environment and the animals but they still go and eat there. Same with Facebook, it’s so horrible and it’s making us in to their own electronic bitches and still we log on every day! Personally I couldn’t care less since I don’t put up things I don’t want people to see. I also see Facebook as a social network where I can keep in touch with people all over the world; I just choose not to put on my drunken and lingerie pictures.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Everyday life without magnificant substance

This semester has been very weird for me, it’s almost over and I feel like I never even got connected to anything. Courses, friends and life went by my but I didn’t react much on it. The only thing that gets my very stressed is the workload in school, there seems to be something huge grade deciding coming along all the time. I cannot wait for this to be over since the courses this year in American Studies have been horrible boring.  Seriously, if someone asks me to write one more essay I will lose it. In other trivial news about my everyday life, in less than a month I am going back to see my family in Sweden and spend the Christmas holiday there. Being close to your family is almost like a curse when you are far away because the more you talk the more you miss them. I really miss just hanging around them and talking. 

Anyways, yesterday a friend from school sent me a very funny video that I just have to share here, because of course half of the world is reading my blog so I am sure it will give you profound joy seeing this!

Enjoy......Turtle and Cat

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bajram serif mubarek olsun! - Easily translated to - Happy Bajram!

Today is the Islamic holiday Eid or like we say in Bosnian, Bajram. It means that I got gifts from my boyfriend this morning but it also means a few other things, you know linked to religion. In short we celebrate it in order to commemorate the  willingness of Abraham or like spelled and said in Islam Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael (Isma'il) as an act of obedience to God or as you all know from the media right now Allah. For this holiday meat from different animals (not the pig, Haha) is divided into three parts to be distributed to others. The family retains one third of the share, another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors, and the other third is given to the poor & needy. Now, Muslims in the western world and other parts of the world do not go out and slaughter farmers sheep’s and cows for this holiday, instead we give money to charity or to someone we know is in need.  For the rest we spend time with our family and our close friends during this day.

Here comes the part where I feel completely left out and lonely, imagine being alone on Christmas? This is how it feels for me here in the Netherlands since my family is back in Sweden all hanging out together. I can sometimes get really annoyed that people expect me to celebrate Christmas with them, which I don’t mind but shouldn’t my holidays be respected and known about then or is that too much to ask? I’m not talking about people at school knowing or people in general just the ones that invite me for Christmas every year, I feel a bit sad and left out twice a year when my holidays which I have celebrated all my life seems to not matter at all, not even at a personal level when concerning me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Important message

Btw: Writing in two languages as I promised? Not going to happen, I remembered that my computer with my Swedish keyboard died and went to Narnia and that's why I bought a new one in first place! And writing Swedish without proper Swedish letters is like eating Swedish meatballs without some kind of berry jam, it is just not possible and feels retarded!

And in this short post I managed to make amends with the Swedish language by writing the word Swedish a lot!

Sunday - Article reading and dinner

What to do on a horrible boring Sunday in the Netherlands? All the stores a closed here and every Sunday I think - I could get a prostitute now if I wanted to but I cannot get milk to mix with my chocolate (I don't drink coffee) and it's just so ironic. 

Anyways, after reading a bit of history for my minor and some articles for my major I decided to make some meatloaf. Now, I really don't consider myself a good cook or an extraordinary one but the mix with gorgonzola and mozzarella cheese as filling in the meat turned out quite nice! As a result this picture was produced in order to symbolize how nice the dinner was. Picture of the meatloaf we will leave out because it bursted on the top and cheese dripped out (still tasty!!) and could have been less aesthetically challenged.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

When being treated bad, silence is sometimes the best defense

Since I came here to the Netherlands I found myself immediately wrapped in a bunch of problems that were not mine. It just came to me with some expectation that I am now in on it and should also deal with it and help. One year later I feel more and more that all this is wrong. I am being treated badly and as a second hand person but have no power to do anything about it. So I decided to pull out, to only have limited contact to people that I might get along with and focus on the good things I actually have here. The easiest thing to do when you get attacked is to start defending yourself, trying to explain your side but what I have been thinking lately, is it worth it? People should not treat you bad from the first place so why act like you have a part of it and go in to a dialogue then? Explaining and going in to discussions when both parts know who did wrong and who just happened to be there just makes you feel like you did something wrong. Since my decision I feel much better and I can focus on friends and school more. 

I guess what I want to say with this post is that just because you think some people should be close to you due to family ties or social constructions it does not mean you have to put up with anything to get there and compromise yourself to a point where you do not recognize yourself. In the end you have the choice to just stay silent and manage your life.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Social conduct while biking?

The Netherlands managed to combine the two worse weathers today: heavy wind and heavy rain - increasing suspiciously while I am on the bike. Had six hours of class on three different locations and not enough time to go home in between. The annoying thing is that on a long day like this it is more than frustrating when none of the classes actually lasts the time they were supposed to. I could have basically stayed at home and not attend any of them!

Weird thing that happened today: I was biking from one class to another, minding my own business (trying to get my IPod out without falling) when a guy biked up to me and smiled at me. Polite and well raised as I am - I smile back.  This guy continues biking next time me, smiling and looking at me, blinking, you know, being general weird acting in the rain on a bike. After some while I had almost reached my destination when he biked away and said - Bye, bye!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pride of the Small Towns

Every now and then you hear some Swedish celebrity or blogger (this probably occurs in other countries to but last time I heard it was from Sweden) go out and issue an apology for writing or saying something with negative connotation about their hometown. Usually it's a very small or middle sized town somewhere in Sweden and the people that live there always trash it and promise to higher powers that as soon as they graduate they will move to Stockholm or London. 
Why do Swedish celebrities say they are sorry for trashing the same small town they come from then?
Well the answer is that as soon as someone that moved away from their hometown and writes something negative about it hell breaks loose. The local population still being stuck there goes on some kind of rampage spamming the comment function under the newspaper article where this great insulting quote was published or attacking the person on their blog. I have seriously seen people call celebrities traitors, not being proud of their heritage, sluts and that they are not taking the opportunity to promote their town?!

I really cannot understand this local nationalism that stirs up, I mean, do we all have to love our birth towns? I come from a middle-sized city and Sweden, I don't love it but I don't hate it either so always writing positive about it would just feel weird. What about if you really hate the town you are born in, it happens to be the worse time of your life and you are happy to be out of there? Local nationalism just seems so small minded to me and also proves that people want to move away from there themselves. You never hear somebody go insane if you say Stockholm or Gothenburg sucks, people just don't care because they are happy living there in the first place.

Going to War with Assignments and Coming out as a Winner!

Every time I finish a couple of school assignments I start acting like I just won a war or something similar. I tell everybody how I hardly slept after writing all night, how I am dying now but still managed to drag myself to school in order to come to class and so on. The worst part of all this is that after I have turned everything in I come home and start cutting myself some major slack, like -  Oh now I can party for the rest of the semester and not look at any books until May next year! The sad fact is that I maybe worked hard for a week after almost slacking since September.... but hey, that's student life! Complain much but do every little and end up with giving yourself major credit!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Blog/Ny blogg

I got really tired of my old blog because it looked both ugly and the name was silly so I have created this one now. My goal is to give you some updates on how life in my now third country of living is but also general reflections about everything. I intend to write in both english and swedish but we will see if I can keep that up in the long run.

Hope you will follow me!

Har trottnat pa min gamla blogg som bade sag ful ut och hade ett tontigt namn sa jag skapade den har. Mitt mal ar att skriva om livet och att nu bo i mitt tredje land, kommer aven skriva om allt och ingenting. Tror att jag kommer fortsatta skriva pa bade svenska och engelska men vi far se hur lange jag orkar med det!

Hoppas ni foljer mig!