- Facebook can just take your pictures and use them for advertisement for dildos or porn sites
- Perverts will use your kids pictures
- Your future boss will Google your ass and find all your drunken party pictures over the years
Since all of this is true it must mean that Facebook is evil and should be banned to exist! We have no responsibility over what we put up on the Internet and how that might affect us and our environment!
This reasoning is just so retarded I get annoyed every time I hear it! Why put up lingerie pictures that can be misused? You want the attention but can’t imagine the consequences? And then we have all the parents, selling their kids online basically, thousands of pictures, some completely naked of the child all over the place. Wonder if they think what their children will think when they grow up and see that they have been on Facebook longer than they can remember? And why on earth do you put up pictures that you think might cause you problems in the future? Everyone blames Facebook that is big enough to not follow the rules and at the same time everybody makes it possible for Facebook to break the rules since people just keep uploading information all the time. Just because something sucks and breaks the rules it does not mean you should aid it by supporting its agenda. All bad things on the Internet would disappear if we just could boycott it and find better things to do with our time.
People are in general funny when complaining about these huge often American cooperation’s. Almost everyone agrees that companies like McDonald’s are bad for the environment and the animals but they still go and eat there. Same with Facebook, it’s so horrible and it’s making us in to their own electronic bitches and still we log on every day! Personally I couldn’t care less since I don’t put up things I don’t want people to see. I also see Facebook as a social network where I can keep in touch with people all over the world; I just choose not to put on my drunken and lingerie pictures.